A day well spent at the Natural History Museum. The conversation in the car on the way, went something like this...
Mary Kate , "Where are the dinosaurs Charlie"
Charlie, "The dinosaurs lived a long time ago Mary Kate. A long time ago, like with the princes and princesses and dragons."
Charlie. "Mommy, if the dinosaurs come back, I will fight them because I am going to be Batman. Did you know that there are two Batmans in Gotham city?"
Me, "There are two Batmans?"
Charlie, "Yeah silly, Batman and me."
Dinosaurs were a hit, the ever so famous elephant at the grand entrance of the Natural History Museum and of course the gift shop!
Mimi and I took a quick peek at Julia Child's kitchen that was a featured exhibit at the American History Museum. So great and so much more to see at the Am. Hist. Museum. May need and adult day for that!
Just a few quotes from Julia
• How can a nation be called great if its bread tastes like Kleenex?
Julia's Quote about American Food