Our Halloween was spent on a scenic steam engine in Maryland. A day to certainly remember. Both good and bad. A few unexpected challenges along the way up the mountain, made for a very long day. However, the kids slept the way home and woke-up just in time to Trick or Treat. Mary Kate said a lot of, " I a bug! I do it" Charlie did a lot of explaining to Mary Kate the process of Trick or Treating (such a good little man).
However, there are moments in life that test our ability to cope, understand and have patience. N was let go from his job this week. While it was not a surprise, reality is quickly setting in and an overwhelming feeling has come over the both of us. I am reminded daily as I look at this beautiful purple flower that appeared on Tuesday, this is a true sign of happiness for N. This small plant sits on our windowsill and has been there for about 6 years. I have always found them to be a bit strange and somewhat of a nuisance. N, however, loves them and tends to them weekly. Never, in 6 years of their existence in our home, has it ever bloomed. Yes, the dark day of losing one's job, also may open a window or door to a bright new future ahead. I have to believe that N's future is bright and that it will all come together for him and our family. Nick, I love you and I believe in you!
Hi teach! I am thinking about you guys. Your words are so true--brighter times are ahead :)