Friday, September 21, 2012

Simple things

The fact that I have not posted since August says it all about my life right now.  I'm not sure why life seems to be getting heavier and heavier.  The things I look forward to in my day right now are, morning snuggles and hugs with my children, hot morning coffee, when my students go to Art (longest planning time), when I pick my children up from daycare, when my husband so willingly watches a show with me on HGTV (LOL), and easy made dinners with easy cleanup. So simple!

I never posted about our family fun day with our neighbors!  Bowling! Love the shoes, hate putting my fingers into those germ infested holes in the ball.

Has anyone noticed on my side bar, Loving.... it said I am loving my four and three year old.  LOL, well I am still loving them but they are now 6 and almost 5.  Love them more everyday.  As they grow older, I hate seeing my flaws in them but love seeing the own little people they are becoming!