We started the fair with the "Pig Scramble" Our boy had a good cry after a good but tough lesson learned when he didn't catch the pig. He was more upset about losing the $10. I don't see a future Pig Scramble. Our little small town fair has such a great feel about it. The kids were in heaven. Putting my six year old on some "big kid" rides was a whole other feeling I have never felt before. I was terrified for him but he loved the thrill. LOL!
School started Tuesday. A first grader and my last year of preschool! Time is going too fast. Charlie has been asking about the things he did when he was a baby. I wish that I had my blog when he was an infant. He kept me busy with sharpies, tin foil and paper towels. Do I have to say anything else? I do miss those sweet baby snuggles. I now have big snuggles but I know that one day soon that too will come to an end. With each phase there comes great joy, worry and love. At least it all stays consistent (the joy, worry and love). Just new surprises. Can't wait to see what this school year will bring!