Sunday, April 15, 2012


When I wake up on weekend mornings, I no longer hear the calling of "moooommmmy".  I hear make believe conversations between Barbies, clone troopers and police figures.  I love the sounds of my children's voices during creative play.  Barbie is usually on stage dancing as a ballerina and singing or going to a birthday party.  The police men are usually after a bad guy and they are knocking down barricades and Barbies.  We still hear the sounds of clone troopers fighting Luke Skywalker and driods.  I love these morning conversations.  
In the evenings, I hear conversations between my children.  The lights are off and there are usually a few last words that each of them has to get in before the day is over.  Tonight, the conversation was about money.  
Charlie: Hey Mary Kate, we can get lots of money.  We can have a lemonade stand and yell, lemonade for sale!
Mary Kate: OK Charlie, I like lemonade.
Charlie: No Mary Kate, we sell it for money and we can get like $80.
Mary Kate: OK Charlie
Charlie: Mary Kate, we can buy the Lego Batcave.  (giggle, giggle)
Mary Kate: (Giggle, Giggle) OK Charlie
Charlie:  Mary Kate, Don't tell mommy.  

LOL, I want to bottle this all up! I am not sure what else he may be scheming and I am not understanding the, don't tell mommy part but I love them so much! Through the frustrations of being a parent and wanting your children to act right and do the right thing and act respectful and listen to what your are saying and to only be asked once.  I forget that most importantly, I want them to be happy.  And right here in our little Main St. home, my children are happy.  They went to sleep loving each other, loving mommy and daddy and loving the life they have.  I couldn't ask for anything more!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

little and big girl dreams coming true

Mary Kate has begged and pleaded for her own horse.  I say, "Let's try to ride one first".
I have been begging and pleading for a new "Cruiser" bike to ride into town.  Thank you Easter Bunny for my front porch surprise!!  I feel like I am eight again!!!!