I love family board games!! Even when there is a fight. Yes, my children are sore losers at pretty much any game. The game of Sorry got a little intense the other night. Which led me to a conversation with my dear friend about family game night. Someone always gets mad. She sent me this video. Hilarious!!!
Carol Burnette Show-Family Charades
A girl, teacher, mom, daughter, sister, wife, and friend trying to find daily balance in my life.
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Monday, December 24, 2012
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Just trying to have a little faith after the past few weeks. Pick your poison from my house, STREP, VOMITS, COLDS or a COUGH. It's hard enough to balance work and being a mom and wife, but then throw in sickness and life just becomes even harder. When I asked my mom how I am supposed to do this, she said the best thing ever, "You are doing it honey!" She is right, I need to stop thinking that I am not doing it because I am. Yes it is crazy but with the help of my husband we are doing ok. Our kids still manage to feel loved and get plenty of hugs. Charlie turns in all his homework. Mary Kate almost ran out of underwear but Daddy came to the rescue. The dog is fed and happy. We have dinner at the table every night. Lunches are packed everyday. I am teaching hands-on technology enhanced lessons. My lesson plans are done.
I just need to focus on the things that are getting done rather than the less than perfect Martha Stewart house that I live in but love! Sigh....
So now it is time to get our Christmas decorations out and share with you a few funny things my kids have said.
Mary Kate told Mimi that her Nana lives in a "catalogue house". Mimi said, "no silly, a log house". Mary Kate said, "no Mimi, a catalogue house".
Mary Kate calls skunks, "stunks"
Charlie asked the other day, "If homework is work, why don't I get paid for it?"
When Charlie was vomiting in the middle of the night for the third time. He realized that he was going to miss his Christmas concert. He tried to convince me that he was not sick. He said, "I think it is just a growth spurt mommy. My tummy is growing."
Oh yeah, and my title is Faith:
One because I do need to have more faith.
Two I am in love with this new singer Paloma Faith, check her out. The best songs are Just Be and Picking Up the Pieces
Saturday, November 24, 2012
We shared a wonderful Thanksgiving with family members and delicious food. I cooked my first turkey. Correction, we (Nick) cooked our first turkey. The turkey was perfect! Everything was perfect! Running the kitchen on Thanksgiving is hectic and it doesn't help to have too many hands in the kitchen. At one point I wanted to clear everyone out, even though I know they meant well. We feasted, drank wine, played games by the fire and enjoyed every minute!
We hit some hurdles with a cast and crutches (broken growth plate in his big toe), three cases of strep throat including myself and an allergic reaction to penicillin (Charlie boy). Phew, glad that is all over!
Charlie didn't want to miss his Thanksgiving feast at school and of course his orthopedic appointment was scheduled during the feast. So...dad said he could remove the cast. Hilarious!!!!! I think it was traumatic for all of us but he still has a foot!!
We hit some hurdles with a cast and crutches (broken growth plate in his big toe), three cases of strep throat including myself and an allergic reaction to penicillin (Charlie boy). Phew, glad that is all over!
Charlie didn't want to miss his Thanksgiving feast at school and of course his orthopedic appointment was scheduled during the feast. So...dad said he could remove the cast. Hilarious!!!!! I think it was traumatic for all of us but he still has a foot!!
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Getting Back on Track
Oh blog, how I miss you. I am sorry I haven't written in a while. I was derailed from life for a while and hopefully I am starting to get back on track. Just wanted to post my beautiful growing children and their wonderful father. I want to say how proud I am of each of them and how much I love them!!
Friday, September 21, 2012
Simple things
The fact that I have not posted since August says it all about my life right now. I'm not sure why life seems to be getting heavier and heavier. The things I look forward to in my day right now are, morning snuggles and hugs with my children, hot morning coffee, when my students go to Art (longest planning time), when I pick my children up from daycare, when my husband so willingly watches a show with me on HGTV (LOL), and easy made dinners with easy cleanup. So simple!
I never posted about our family fun day with our neighbors! Bowling! Love the shoes, hate putting my fingers into those germ infested holes in the ball.
I never posted about our family fun day with our neighbors! Bowling! Love the shoes, hate putting my fingers into those germ infested holes in the ball.
Has anyone noticed on my side bar, Loving.... it said I am loving my four and three year old. LOL, well I am still loving them but they are now 6 and almost 5. Love them more everyday. As they grow older, I hate seeing my flaws in them but love seeing the own little people they are becoming!
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Summer 2012 comes to an end
We started the fair with the "Pig Scramble" Our boy had a good cry after a good but tough lesson learned when he didn't catch the pig. He was more upset about losing the $10. I don't see a future Pig Scramble. Our little small town fair has such a great feel about it. The kids were in heaven. Putting my six year old on some "big kid" rides was a whole other feeling I have never felt before. I was terrified for him but he loved the thrill. LOL!
School started Tuesday. A first grader and my last year of preschool! Time is going too fast. Charlie has been asking about the things he did when he was a baby. I wish that I had my blog when he was an infant. He kept me busy with sharpies, tin foil and paper towels. Do I have to say anything else? I do miss those sweet baby snuggles. I now have big snuggles but I know that one day soon that too will come to an end. With each phase there comes great joy, worry and love. At least it all stays consistent (the joy, worry and love). Just new surprises. Can't wait to see what this school year will bring!
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Fulfilling my passion
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Minnie pants
I am in love with a new pair of pants. The Jcrew minnie pant! Stretchy, little higher waist and just downright comfortable!
Minnie Pant-but I got them in royal blue! And at the outlet so they were much cheaper!!
Minnie Pant-but I got them in royal blue! And at the outlet so they were much cheaper!!
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Circus Circus
In one day on Kelley's Island, we accomplished the following...
watched a circus tent be raised by elephants
rode a camel
rode an elephant
went to the park
went to a sandy beach
played putt-putt
ate ice cream
swam in the pool
went to a circus
bounced on a moon bounce
ate cotton candy
...we were exhausted!

Later in the week, we got to spend some time with our new little cousin, Ema. Emaline wins the prettiest baby in the family award and she is full of sweetness. We couldn't get enough of her cheeks!!!
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